Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

i forgot but...

Extra credit for bio chem. I was told to contemplate a saying for 20 minutes. This is crap stuff but this is what i had to say after


The more I sat and contemplated the saying- “life is a network of coordinated chemical reactions, avoiding equilibrium”, the more I related myself (life) to a simple inorganic thing. In other words, I distanced myself from the traditional view I have of life. I think about my first semesters as a pre-health student attempting to understand the world through my classes here at UVU and through observations. I remember learning about the details of viruses vs. bacteria vs. eukaryotic cells/organisms. What is life really? Where is the line drawn? When I was a child, I would’ve said a virus is a “bug” thus a living thing. Although very virulent, it is not. I now claim along with science that a bacterium is life by the authoritative definition because it can metabolize and blah blah blah. But what really is life? Am I life or am I 100 trillion (or however many cells the human body is composed of) lives? Am I a city? Maybe my heart is its own organism and the rest of my organs as well that live in strict and very coordinated symbiosis with each other. Moreover, maybe the brain is an obligate parasite that uses the rest of the organs to live and then further take over its surroundings. When my thoughts wander, I can explain the statement like this- My “life” is limited, maybe not because my tissue grows old, but because the coordinated reactions that were put into motion when my parents had sex are simply limited. I threw a rock in the parking lot while contemplating and it sparked on the cement then bounced again then bounced off a brick wall into a garden. The rock experienced some reactions; energy was put into it, and eventually lost as it reached equilibrium in the garden. My life :( :( is like that of the rock I threw. But maybe it is not exactly, because I :) :) am a thinking thing. I know that I can do whatever I want with the rest of my life. I also know that the motions that lead to my set of coordinated reactions were put into place long before my parents met. So, like the rock, in my earthly “life”, I will spark and fly and spark some more. I will hang out with other thinking things (my bros aka family and friends) and enjoy our motion together. When cold equilibrium comes, we will greet it delightedly, awaiting the next stage without regrets.


Friday, November 11, 2011

I still love these guys. Even though they always loose.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

just ryan stuff

Ryan HallRyan Hall Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Instructional DVD's

The world's most active submission grappling competitor since the year 2006, Ryan Hall has competed with great success at the local, national, and international levels. Since beginning his competitive career in July of 2004, Ryan has cemented himself as one of the most successful up-and-coming submission grapplers in the world, defeating some of the sport's greatest champions along the way (including UFC fighters and Black Belt World Champions, many of whom have been training decades longer than he has). Ryan is a CBJJ Mundial (world) and European champion who has also medalled at the Brazilian Nationals and twice been invited to compete at the ultra-prestigious Abu Dhabi Submission Wrestling World Championship.

just dan stuff

this the coolest shiz....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am ashamed of myself

Guys, I found this on my computer today. I watched this and felt terrible about myself for a number of reasons. I was very insecure. I wanted to be too cool. I was rude to Bryan Hood and Sean. There is a reason I always had a girlfriend instead of hangen with the bros.

It is all raw footage. This is really funny though.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

input bros

Who wants to go on a lil trip the weekend after Halloween weekend(Nov. 3-6) to Zion?
pinecreek friday morning?
... and while we're South, get a lil sun in san jorge on saturday?....
im not mad. let's do it

Monday, October 3, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011



Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fantasy EPL Team Woes

Just want my fantasy EPL folks to know that I am at the bottom of the league (I dropped from third place). I'm also a bit embarrassed that I'm losing to Ryan and Jordan. In general, I'm usually far less confused then they are.

Anyway, I made some big changes--costing eight points and a lot of mental exertion--to make sure that I am not going to stay where I am in the league.

So, watch out bitches! I'm coming up! Bua-haha haha

Monday, September 12, 2011

dont ever forget

You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like there's nobody listening, & live like it's heaven on earth."

-William W. Purkey-

let us all try to be a little bit better.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shootin' the TUBE!!! Please come.

This thrusday, August 25, there will be a shooting of the tube. It will take place immediately following the last Twilight Concert Series, which is Lupe Fiasco. So if you want to come down and get buck with me before we shoot the tube let me know. Please Rsvp in the comments below... I really feel like this would be a fun way to end the summer. So even if only one person wants to go I will go with you and commemorate another year that we've all managed to survive. I LOVE YOU ALL AND HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON.. sorry for shouting.


Friday, August 12, 2011

my mornings

So my landlord's son is fixing up the apartment building I live in. So every morning when I am getting into my car he is outside painting or something. So we just strike up a quick dialogue about anything, this morning it was Bright Eyes. We talked about how he was less depressed than when I've seen him in the past. Then it moved on very quickly, add a quipy goodbye and there you have it. The stereotypical movie/tv show character development device. I do this every morning just like Tim the Tool man Taylor did every episode with Wilson.

These things are real and they do happen to real people. Real people being me, and I bet you, if you take the time to think about your life. You probably have some similar awesome daily experiences. Let's all take two minutes to appreciate the casual arbitrary conversations that life gives us.

Goodnight and Good luck

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I agree

I just want to publicly thank the south for everything theyve done for me and everything theyve given all of us.

I agree

I just want to thank the south for everything they done for me and everything theyve given us

Friday, August 5, 2011

Grab dat Gatt.

This American guy should get a look just because of this pinche goal.

Friday, July 29, 2011


The Russians are always doing the funniest unnecessary tricks, but the score so who am I to judge.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Austin 3:16.

Stunner's on the house, courtesy of Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

True Colors

Recently I was in Park Sports finding some sandals. As i browsed I noticed a nasty looking homeless dude just walking around...looking around. He was acting like he was doing something really important, as all homeless people do. He asked the shoe sales floor attendant if he could use the land line that was on the wall... the attendant handled the situation very poorly and awkwardly said she had to go speak to the manager. A few second after she left the song by Phil Collins entitled "True Colors" came on the radio. I said in and audible voice "this is a good song" the homeless drug addict turned to me and said "this is a GREAT song." He then went back to carrying out his important business. He was right though, it is a great song, and he knew it and I knew it and we connected even though I am an overambitious snobby idiot of a college student and he is a man very down on his luck who depends on a substance to get him through each day. We still both agreed that this is a great song. It was a great lesson learned.

Take a second to hear this great jam.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Nu Thang

We're doin a wedding slideshow of photos from when Haley and I were young. Found this pic of me. I was doin a nu thang:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First DMV session of the year.

TeamCrew: Assemble this Saturday morning (July 2) for the first DMV session of the summer season. Leave comments in preference of testing either Snake Creek or Guardsman. If you have any questions, please don't ask them. Thank you.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Remember this guy?

Darrin Came down for a business meeting... I was lucky enough to catch up with him.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Owl Baby

People been sayin that I look like a baby owl when I wake up.

...but they're wrong. Right?

Friday, June 3, 2011

who's coming with me to this place?

It is located on the west end of Banff National Park in British Columbia. I seriously want to go here. more pics of the exotic local can be found here:

Friday, May 6, 2011

Nu Thang

They say that listening to angelic choirs sing praises can make you feel good inside. I finally get what they're talking about:

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hey guys, it me, Jake.

A little inspiration from Colbert.

“Don’t be afraid to be a fool. Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. Young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly just cynics. Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. Because cynics don’t learn anything. Because cynicism is a self-imposed blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us. Cynics always say no. But saying yes begins things. Saying yes is how things grow. Saying yes leads to knowledge. “Yes” is for young people. So for as long as you have the strength to, say yes.”

— Stephen Colbert

Monday, April 25, 2011


When I was seven and in second grade, I used to get in trouble for not doing my homework. I'm 24 now, and just finished my 16th year of school. Not much changed. But I made it.

This video is a metaphor for my college experience.

Me: little boy
BYU: piano lady

Glad my piano lesson's finally over.
Congrats: Jared, Lane, Courtney, Me.
Sucks to be: everyone else

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


i think canyons closes on saturday, i still have my warren miller pass if any of you fagdogs want it: txt me


Here's a pic of the Sawtooths. They are really dope. We could go to Boise then go backpacking in the Sawtooths. Prob have to be in July though, cuz they got snow in them till then. My parents got a boat and a pool and a hot tub and a pizza oven and a dog named Rudy.

joke: how do you know the sawtooths are in idaho?
answer: because if they were anywhere else, they'd call them sawteeth.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I still am in awe of how hilarious this montage is. It's truly unreal.

RE: Summer Plans

I want all of these summer plans, and one more for the mission peeps.

This is a link for the whole bike ride thing. Its always being updated, and I hope to have some maps soon. Wow technology, kip was right.

Summer Plans.

Throw out dates brethren. May= Lake Powell or Havasu. June= Windrivers or Sawtooths. July=Possibly Puerto Vallarta (?) or Rocky Point or something. August=Havasu or Powell.
We'll make a calendar and send it out if you will comment and tell us the best days. Also, inform chicks and other friends who don't view this blog so we can have a huge party-time summer.

Team Crew

Wasatch Mountain Jr. High

Why is he?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let's start a MOVEMENT

Ok, everybody, I suggest we use this video as inspiration for our upcoming summer.


Seriously though, if you have questions, watch this one. Let's start a movement.